Network Support Library
RoseWare - Network Support Library.iso
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Text File
122 lines
│ 'The Glide' │
│ │
│ Generic Language - Integrated Developement Environment │
│ Version # 1.00.02 │
│ │
│ (c) Copyright 1993, Russell A. Powell │
│ All Rights Reserved. │
Welcome to the Glide !! First off, I would like to thank you
for expressing an interest in my program, and remind you that this
software is not free. This software is marketed under the shareware
concept and because of this, I have given you license to use this
software free of charge for 30 days, so that you may evaluate it to
see if it meets your specific needs. After which, if you continue to
use the Glide, you MUST register you copy of it, or be in violation of
federal copyright laws. Read the file "GLIDE.DOC" for more information
regarding warranties, registration, and shareware.
The Glide is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that
may be configured for any programming language. Hence the name,
Generic Language Integrated Development Environment or, to put it more
simply, "The Glide". The Glide IS NOT CRIPPLED in any way. I have
disabled the project archive function until you register your copy but
this in no way effects your ability to use this product to create your
software projects.
All Aspects Completely Configurable.
Menu driven and Mousable with Complete Internal Help System.
Internal file Viewer supports:
Text, *.DBF, *.LZH, Compressed Glide Projects (*.GLA), *.PCX
Swap to Expanded memory, High memory, or Disk.
Supports 25, 43, or 50 column screen modes.
Globally Find and Replace Character Strings throughout multiple files.
Define up to 6 Tools / Utilities with each Language Environment.
Internal or External Screen Saver.
Internal On-Screen Clock, pop-up Calculator, and Calendar.
Print files with user Defined Printer Initialization and Reset Strings.
Execute DOS Commands or Completely Shell out to DOS
Setup DOS Environment Variable(s) for each Language Environment or Project
Creates your Make and Link utility Script files for you.
Currently supported script formats include:
RMake, RTLink, RTLink Overlayed, MS-Link, Blinker, Blinker Overlayed
Remembers and reloads your last project.
Archive/Unarchive all project files ( Registered users only ).
To install the Glide simply execute the the program "INSTALL.BAT".
The Glide installation procedure will create the following directory
structure and files beneath your current directory:
File Name File Description
------------------ ------------------
current\ ┌─ glide.exe Glide System Loader
dir │ glide-x.exe Main Glide Executable
│ glide1.pcx Glide Opening Screen
│ glide2.pcx " " "
│ glide.dbf Glide Loader Information Data file
│ glide.dbt " " " " "
│ glide.cfg Glide Configuration File
│ glide.ico Windows Icon for 'The Glide'
│ glide.pif Windows Program Information file
│ glide.doc Glide External Documentation file
│ readme.doc Glide Quick Documention
│ twhelp.dbf Glide Internal Help Data
│ twhelp.dbt " " " "
│ twhelp1.ntx " " " "
│ invoice.doc Glide invoice / order form
│ shr-ware.doc What is Shareware ? Documentation
│ revision.doc Glide revision information file
├─ \env\clipper.env Clipper Sample Environment file
│ msc.env Microsoft C/C++ " "
├─ \gfr\gfr.doc Global Find & Replace - Documention
│ gfr.exe Global Find & Replace - Executable
├─ \lha\history.eng LHA Compression - History File
│ lha.exe LHA Compression - Executable File
│ lha.hlp LHA Compression - Help File
│ lha213.doc LHA Compression - Documentation File
└─ \prj\ Glide Project Directory (created @ Startup)
You may specify a base directory to install The Glide to if you do not
wish to have it installed to the current directory, by passing the
install batch file the base directory name. For Example, if your
current directory is c:\mydir and you wish to install The Glide to
c:\glide, the install command would be: INSTALL c:\glide [RETURN].
-*- NOTE -*-
The base directory structure specified in the install command line does
not need to exist prior to running the install program. If it does not
exist, the Glide installation program will create it for you.
If all of the above files are not present after the install than please
do not attempt to use your copy of the program. It may be corrupt, and
at best unpredictable results may occur.
structures beneath the glide's base directory (ENV,PRJ,LHA,GFR). These
directory structures are used by The Glide, and if they are not found,
many of the Glide's functions will be inoperable.
The easiest way to run the Glide, is to put the glide base directory in
your DOS path, and just type: GLIDE [RETURN]. This however, is not
strictly necessary, you may call the glide without it being in your
path, by simply using the entire drive, directory and filename. Such
as, "C:\GLIDE\GLIDE [RETURN]". This method will work just as well.
The Glide will accept a parameter of /P=<PROJECT NAME>, which will force
it to load the specified project. If you do not pass it a project
parameter, it will attemp to load the last project that you worked on.
For complete details about the operation of the Glide, read the
documentation file "GLIDE.DOC" or use The Glide's Internal Help system
by mashing down on the F1 Key on any menu option or data entry field.